APA Applauds CHIP Reauthorization

By Anthony Kassir

From the APA:

The American Psychiatric Association wants to thank our advocates for their support in our fight to protect children's access to health insurance.  Earlier this week, the President signed a measure that extends funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for a historic six years.  Funding for the Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project, the Pediatric Quality Measures Program and specified outreach and enrollment grants were also extended.

Collectively, our advocates sent well-over 1,400 letters Congress in support of CHIP - a number that doesn't include the countless phone calls or tweets that were also made.  Despite the turbulent news cycle, these letters, calls and tweets reminded lawmakers that their constituents were paying attention to this successful program's plight.  We know that these actions took time away from our advocates' professional or personal lives, but they had an impact and the APA is enormously grateful for your support.

You can read our press release applauding CHIP's passage here.

Thank you again!

Saul Levin, MD, MPA, FRCP-E
CEO and Medical Director
American Psychiatric Association



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