APA Urges Members To Contact Their Senators
From APA Headlines: APA Urges Members To Contact Their Senators To Voice Opposition To Health Reform Bill. Psychiatric News (6/20) reports that members of the American Psychiatric Association “are urged to contact their US senators to voice opposition to the health care reform bill now being considered in the Senate.” It is expected that senators will “vote on the bill, which is based on the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA), by July 4.” To make things easier, “a dedicated page on APA’s website will help members make contact with their Senators” via telephone, Twitter or Facebook. In an email, “APA CEO and Medical Director Saul Levin, MD, MPA, urged members to act.” Dr. Levin wrote, “Your calls and action do count.” For that reason, “we ask that you voice opposition to any bill that would negatively impact patients, and we appreciate your standing with us to do what is right for our patients,” Dr. Levin added.